Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cup fungus

Cup fungi are fungi (Ascomycota: family Pezizaceae) which produce a mushroom that tends to grow in the shape of a "cup". Spores are formed on the inner surface of this fruiting body (mushroom). The cup shape typically serves to focus raindrops into splashing spores out of the cup. Additionally, the curvature enables wind currents to blow the spores out in a different manner than in most agaric and boletes.
Cup fungi grow in peculiar shapes, frequently resembling cups or saucers. For example, the orange peel fungus (Aleuria aurantia), which looks just like a discarded orange rind. They may be vividly colored, like the scarlet cup, which is often one of the first signs of spring where it grows.
While most cup fungi are not poisonous, as with all mushroom hunting, one should never consume a mushroom without identifying it first.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Butter Bolete

The yellow, reticulate stipe and yellow pores of the mushroom in the picture explain the common name of Boletus appendiculatus, the Butter Bolete.

Both the stipe and pores immediately stain blue when scratched, another good field identification clue. Boletus regius, the red butter bolete, another similar Western species, can be distinguished by a red cap.

The Butter Bolete is considered a choice, edible bolete, but the usual cautions apply. When in doubt with a mushroom identification, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Boletus Zelleri

Boletus Zelleri or Zeller's Bolete, is a very nice looking, small to medium sized bolete that grows in abundance in coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest.

The velvety, and sometimes bumpy, red cap, with yellow pores and red stem, makes it a fairly easy bolete to identify.

The pores may or may not bruise blue when the finger nail test is applied, and the cap turns a very dark red or black with age.

It's reported to be edible, but don't risk it if you're not an expert.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mushroom type : Boletus Smithii

Boletus Smithii, a small to medium sized bolete, grows in mixed coniferous forests of Northern California and the Pacific Northwest, mostly at higher altitudes.

It's a colorful mushroom, with yellow pores that slightly bruised blue when scraped. The red and yellow stipe serves as a good field identification clue. The cap often turns a shade of red with age. (note: Boletus rubripes has an opposite stipe color pattern with yellow on the top and red on the bottom).

The picture shows an averaged sized specimen, approximately four inches in height, with a smooth stipe. Other specimens can have ridges along the stipe.

Mushroom type : Boletus Fibrillosus

Boletus fibrillosus is a bolete species named for the look of the mature cap, which has a wrinkled or fibered texture.

It is a medium sized boletus species, with the picture showing a specimen whose cap measured approximately four inches in diameter.

They are found in high elevation forested areas of the Pacific Coast.

The yellow pores do not readily bruise when you run your finger against them. The identification is tentative.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bolete : Boletus Erythropus

The picture shows a fairly uncommon West Coast red pored bolete, that some mycologists call a Boletus erythropus, because of some similarities with the European species.

An East Coast species, boletus subvelutipes, also shares some similar physical characteristics.

The bottom picture shows the immediate bluing after removing an edge of the cap. The stem, a nice yellow color, turned blue when handled.

It's a nice looking mushroom. As a general rule of thumb, it is not safe to consume any bolete mushrooms with red pores.

King Bolete: Boletus Edulis

Call it a Porcini, Cep or King Bolete, Boletus Edulis is a prized edible mushroom around the world.

On the West Coast it often can be found growing in pine forests, but it also grows easily in coniferous forests.

Boletus Edulis sprout in the summer at higher elevations and during the fall at lower elevations.

Identifying the species can be fairly easy under certain circumstances. The top picture, for example, shows a large mushroom with light brown cap, pores and hefty, club shaped stipe or stem.

Bolete : Boletus Chrysenteron

According to the mycologists at Mykoweb, the picture shows either Boletus chrysenteron, or the closely related, Boletus truncatus.

Some people also nickname Boletus chrysenteron the red-cracked bolete because of the red stains that appear on the cracks of the cap as it matures.

The picture shows some evidence of red staining in the cracks on the lower portion of the cap, suggesting B. chrysenteron. However, a definitive identification is not possible without a miscropic examination of the spores.

Pores of both species are known to bruise blue fairly easy, and this specimen was found in a group of similar species with bruises.

Bolete : Admirable Bolete

The Admirable Bolete (Boletus mirabilis) has a red cap and stem contrasting with its yellow pores.

Unlike most other boletes which grow on the ground, the top picture shows it growing on a dead log. They often grow in association with Western Hemlock or other conifers.

They are reported to be an edible species. Use common sense. If you're not an expert, let it be.

Types of Mushrooms : In General

Mushrooms, the fruits of the fungi world, attract a diverse group of enthusiasts. People who enjoy a bit of color in their forest environment enjoy colorful mushrooms such as the purple cortinarius in the top picture.

The mushrooms discussed in this guide are not representative of the entire mushroom world. Rather, they represent some of the more prominent types of mushrooms found in fields and forests around the United States.

The listing is arbitrary, with boletes and polypores grouped separately. A variety of edibile and not edible species form the third group.

By far, when most people think mushroom, they also think edibility. Some species, Morels and Pacific Golden Chanterelle, are edible.

Other mushroom species are better left on the ground or trees. The polypores, for example, consists of five common, but normally inedible, shelf mushrooms found in woodlands across the United States. The Chicken of the Woods is the exception.

Fly Agaric is the lone poisonous mushroom on the list, notable for its red spotted cap. Since many more poisonous mushroom species exist in the larger mushroom population, please do not use any of the information presented here as the basis for picking and consuming wild mushrooms.

Mushroom identification entails more than the information conveyed by a picture and short description of any particular species.

A worst case scenario might entail someone picking an otherwise edible mushroom from an area saturated with pesticides or industrial poisons such as mercury.

If you plan to pick mushrooms, always pick with caution. The Mushroom Identification Tips article provides some beginner's information.

Regulations for both personal and commercial mushroom harvesting vary from place to place. Local arboretums, botanical gardens and government agencies often offer mushroom identification classes with greater detail on the what, where and when of mushroom picking in your area.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Reishi Mushroom : Kills Cancer and almost every other ailment

Reishi Mushroom Kills Cancer and Almost Every Other Ailment

When you are sealed you start to take care of the health of your body. One thing you can do to prevent and cure a variety of ailments is to take a little reishi mushroom, an Asian mushroom with incredible health benefits.

The University of Haifa in Israel reported on Friday December 14 2007 that the reishi mushroom can be used to fight prostate cancer. They found that the reishi mushroom "attacks the cancer cells directly."

The reishi mushroom, Ganoderma Lucidum, was a rarity found only in the wild until only the last quarter of a century when the Japanese have been able to cultivate them as a crop.

The University of Haifa says the reishi mushroom gives hope that a medication will be developed out of it that could fight prostate cancer. Fighting cancer is just one in a long list of health benefits the mushroom offers.

Called Ling Zhi in China, the reishi mushroom has been an important medicinal plant for the Asians for millennia. In the wild it grows upon rotting plum trees and only occasionally on some oak too.

Now it has been cultivated and extensive tests have been done on it to find out just how valid all its numerous health claims are. And many of the benefits are a ceratainty.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Reishi Mushroom : Amazing health effect

Amazing Health Effect of Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom have a history going back to over 4000 years, when they were considered to be a superior herb that improved health, resistance, longevity, energy and memory. The reishi mushroom, called the ganoderma lucidum by Asian rulers, was seek out by the members of their court .This herb of longevity was named Reishi by the Japanese and, in China and Korea, it is known as Ling Chu, meaning the mushrooms of immortality. The Chinese thought of them as the elixir of life. The Romans considered Reishi mushroom as the food of the Gods. The benefits of Reishi mushroom have been recorded throughout time as far back as 206 B.C. Reishi was associated with happiness, good health and longevity. Reishi mushroom was entrenched in ancient Chinese culture as shown in many fairy tales. Many Oriental civilizations have realized the amazing health inducing benefits associated with certain mushrooms and yet in Western civilization they are relatively unknown.
The scientific community did not start investigate the therapeutic properties of reishi mushroom until the early 1970s. There was not enough standardized Reishi to conduct experimental evaluation of the properties before researchers at Kyoto University initiated controlled cultivation of the reishi mushroom. An interesting discovery occurred when the researchers found that the six colour variations of Reishi were one species. It was found out that all six colours could be grown from the same gene. It was found that Reishi mushroom possess bio-active, anti-tumour and immune system stimulating abilities including anti-allergic, anticancer and antiviral value. As an adaptogenic agent Reishi mushroom are capable of resolving a broad spectrum of illnesses by affecting a number of organ systems.
After analyzing the bio-active components of Reishi mushroom, the researchers concluded that it would be difficult to find a more complete or potent immune enhancing supplement. In fact, reishi has the ability to restore the efficacy of the cytokine system and greatly enhances NK (Natural Killer) cell activity. Case studies have found it to enable the immune system to deal favorably with a broad range of autoimmune disorders when used in conjunction with dietary and detoxification modifications. Reishi has also shown to be beneficial with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), improving circulation, decreasing serum cholesterol, decreasing serum glucose (anti-diabetic) and relieving the nausea of cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As mentioned above, reishi have the ability to stimulate natural killer cells, to improve immune function and to combat viral infection.
According to Wasser and Weis, in a paper published in 1999, the Reishi mushroom has been documented to possess many medical properties. Among those are, anti-inflammatory, antitumour, antiviral, antibacterial, blood pressure regulation, protection of the liver, chronic bronchitis etc.
It is obvious that tremendous potential exists for any individual wishing to elevate their health status through the addition of dietary supplementation with Reishi .Thousands of researches on Reishi mushrooms and plenty of authors have corroborated their findings.The future looms bright for advances in health with the use of Reishi supplementation. The diverse positive effects of Reishi are still being researched. For example, in a recent paper by Dr. H. Fujiwara, it was concluded that stamina for running distance and endurance was significantly increased by the use of ganoderma extract Reishi mushroom can contribute to keep the immune system intact and to avoid all kind of human illnesses and diseases.

مدهش الصحة تأثير فطر ريشي

فطر ريشي لها تاريخ يعود إلى أكثر من 4000 سنة ، عندما كانت تعتبر من عشب متفوقة أن تحسين الصحة ومقاومة ، وطول العمر ، والطاقة ، والذاكرة. فطر ريشي ، دعا وكيدوم غانوديرما من قبل الحكام الآسيوية ، وكان يسعى بها أعضاء في ملعبهم ، وهذا عشب طول العمر ريشي كان اسمه من قبل ، واليابانية ، في الصين وكوريا ، وكما هو معروف لينغ تشو ، والمعنى فطر الخلود. ويعتقد الصينيون منهم وإكسير الحياة. الرومان يعتبر فطر ريشي مثل المواد الغذائية للآلهة. فوائد فطر ريشي وقد سجلت طوال الوقت في فترة تعود إلى 206 ق. ريشي كان مرتبطا السعادة والصحة الجيدة وطول العمر. فطر ريشي كانت راسخة في الثقافة الصينية القديمة كما هو موضح في حكايات كثيرة. كثير من الحضارات الشرقية قد أدركوا صحة مذهلة حمل الفوائد المرتبطة الفطر معينة ، وحتى الآن في الحضارة الغربية فهي غير معروفة نسبيا.

المجتمع العلمي لم يبدأ التحقيق في الخصائص العلاجية للفطر ريشي حتى أوائل 1970s. لم يكن هناك ما يكفي من ريشي موحدة لإجراء تقييم تجريبية من الخصائص قبل باحثين في جامعة كيوتو التي بدأت تسيطر زراعة فطر ريشي. وهو اكتشاف مهم وقع عندما وجد الباحثون أن الاختلافات ستة ألوان ريشي كانت واحدة من الأنواع. وقد تبين أن ستة من كل الألوان يمكن أن تكون نمت من نفس الجين. فقد وجد أن فطر ريشي تمتلك الحيوية النشطة ، ومكافحة الأورام والجهاز المناعي بما في ذلك حفز قدرات مضادة للحساسية ، مضاد للسرطان والقيمة المضادة للفيروسات. باعتبارها عامل ادابتوغينيك فطر ريشي قادرون على حل طائفة واسعة من الأمراض التي تؤثر على عدد من أجهزة الجسم.

وبعد تحليل المكونات الحيوية النشطة من فطر ريشي ، وخلص الباحثون الى أنه سيكون من الصعب العثور على أكثر اكتمالا أو تكملة وتعزيز مناعة قوية. في الواقع ، ريشي لديه القدرة على استعادة كفاءة النظام خلوى ويعزز كثيرا ناغورني كاراباخ (القاتلة الطبيعية) نشاط الخلية. دراسات حالة وجدت انه لتمكين الجهاز المناعي للتعامل بشكل ايجابي مع طائفة واسعة من الاضطرابات الذاتية عندما تستخدم بالاقتران مع التعديلات الغذائية وإزالة السموم. ريشي أظهرت أيضا أن يكون مفيدا مع متلازمة التعب المزمن (لجنة الأمن الغذائي) ، تحسين الدورة الدموية ، وخفض الكولسترول في الدم ، وخفض الجلوكوز في مصل الدم (لمكافحة مرض السكري) ، والتخفيف من الغثيان من العلاج الكيميائي للسرطان والعلاج الإشعاعي. كما ذكر أعلاه ، ريشي لديها القدرة على تنشيط الخلايا القاتلة الطبيعية ، وتحسين وظائف المناعة ومكافحة العدوى الفيروسية.

وفقا لفاسر وفايس ، في ورقة نشرت في عام 1999 ، وفطر ريشي قد تم توثيقه في امتلاك العديد من الخصائص الطبية. بين هؤلاء ، المضادة للالتهابات ، antitumour ، المضادة للفيروسات والمضادة للبكتيريا ، تنظيم ضغط الدم ، والحماية من سرطان الكبد والتهاب الشعب الهوائية المزمن الخ.

فمن الواضح أن وجود إمكانات هائلة بالنسبة لأي فرد يرغب في رفع مستوى حالتهم الصحية من خلال إضافة المكملات الغذائية مع ريشي. الالاف من الأبحاث حول ريشي الفطر والكثير من الكتاب وقد أيدت مستقبلهم findings.The يلوح مشرق لالتقدم في مجال الصحة مع استخدام مكملات ريشي. من الآثار الإيجابية للتنوع ريشي لا تزال قيد البحث. على سبيل المثال ، في ورقة حديثة للدكتور H. فوجيوارا ، خلصت الدراسة إلى أن القدرة على التحمل لمسافات والتحمل وحدثت زيادة كبيرة عن طريق استخدام غانوديرما استخراج فطر ريشي يمكن أن تسهم في الحفاظ على النظام المناعي وسليمة لتجنب كل نوع من الإنسان الأمراض والأمراض.
Amazing effet sur la santé de Reishi Mushroom

Reishi ont une histoire remontant à plus de 4000 ans, quand ils étaient considérés comme une herbe de qualité supérieure qui amélioration de la santé, la résistance, de longévité, de l'énergie et de mémoire. Le champignon reishi, appelé le Ganoderma lucidum par des dirigeants d'Asie, a été chercher par les membres de leur cour. Cette herbe de la longévité a été nommé Reishi par les Japonais et, en Chine et en Corée, il est connu sous le nom Ling Chu, ce qui signifie que les champignons de l'immortalité. La pensée chinoise d'entre eux comme l'élixir de vie. Les Romains considéraient Reishi que la nourriture des Dieux. Les avantages de champignon Reishi ont été enregistrés à travers le temps aussi loin que 206 avant JC Reishi a été associé à bonheur, de santé et de longévité. Reishi a été enchâssée dans la culture chinoise antique, comme indiqué dans les contes de fées. Many Oriental civilizations have realized the amazing health inducing benefits associated with certain mushrooms and yet in Western civilization they are relatively unknown.
La communauté scientifique n'a pas commencé l'étude des propriétés thérapeutiques des champignons Reishi jusqu'au début des années 1970. Il n'y avait pas suffisamment standardisées Reishi pour mener l'évaluation expérimentale des propriétés avant de chercheurs de l'Université de Kyoto lancé contrôlée de culture du champignon reishi. Une découverte intéressante s'est produite lorsque les chercheurs ont constaté que les six variations de couleurs de Reishi étaient une espèce. Il a été constaté que tous les six couleurs pourraient être issues du même gène. Il a été constaté que Reishi possèdent bio-actif, système anti-tumorale et stimulant immunitaire, y compris les capacités anti-valeur allergiques, anticancéreux et antiviraux. Comme un champignon adaptogènes agent Reishi sont capables de résoudre un large spectre de maladies en agissant sur un certain nombre de systèmes d'organes.
Après avoir analysé les composantes bio-actives des champignons Reishi, les chercheurs ont conclu qu'il serait difficile de trouver un complément plus complètes ou plus puissant renforcement immunitaire. En fait, Reishi a la capacité de rétablir l'efficacité du système de cytokines et améliore grandement NK (Natural Killer) l'activité cellulaire. Des études de cas ont trouvé pour permettre au système immunitaire pour traiter favorablement avec un large éventail de maladies auto-immunes lorsqu'il est utilisé en conjonction avec l'alimentation et des modifications de désintoxication. Reishi a également montré pour être bénéfique avec le syndrome de fatigue chronique (SFC), amélioration de la circulation, ce qui diminue le taux de cholestérol sérique, diminution du glucose sérique (anti-diabétique) et à soulager les nausées de la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie. Comme mentionné ci-dessus, Reishi ont la capacité de stimuler les cellules tueuses naturelles, pour améliorer la fonction immunitaire et à lutter contre l'infection virale.
Selon Wasser et Weis, dans un document publié en 1999, le champignon Reishi a été documentée à posséder de nombreuses propriétés médicales. Parmi ceux-ci sont, anti-inflammatoire, antitumoral, antiviral, antibactérien, régulation de la pression artérielle, de la protection du foie, la bronchite chronique, etc
Il est évident que le potentiel énorme existe pour toute personne désireuse d'élever leur état de santé par l'ajout d'une supplémentation alimentaire en Reishi. Des milliers de recherches sur les champignons Reishi et beaucoup d'auteurs ont confirmé leur avenir findings.The métiers brillant pour les progrès de la santé avec les utilisation de la supplémentation Reishi. Les divers effets positifs de Reishi doivent être étudiées. Par exemple, dans une étude récente par le Dr H. Fujiwara, il a été conclu que l'endurance pour la course de fond et d'endurance a été considérablement accrue par l'utilisation d'extrait de Ganoderma Reishi peut contribuer à maintenir le système immunitaire est intact et d'éviter tout genre de l'homme les maladies et les maladies.
Amazing gesundheitlichen Wirkungen der Reishi Pilz

Reishi Pilz haben eine Geschichte geht zurück bis über 4000 Jahren, als sie sich als eine überlegene Kraut, das eine Verbesserung der Gesundheit, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Langlebigkeit, Energie-und Speicher. Der Reishi Pilz, genannt Ganoderma lucidum von asiatischen Herrscher war zu suchen, die von den Mitgliedern ihrer Gericht. Dieses Kraut der Langlebigkeit genannt wurde Reishi von den Japanern und in China und Korea, wird es als Ling Chu bekannt, das heißt die von Pilzen Unsterblichkeit. Die Chinesen meinten von ihnen als Lebenselixier. Die Römer als Reishi Pilz als die Speise der Götter. Die Vorteile der Reishi Pilz wurden in der gesamten Zeit aufgezeichnet so weit zurück wie 206 v. Chr. Reishi wurde mit Glück, gute Gesundheit und Langlebigkeit in Verbindung gebracht. Reishi Pilz war in der alten chinesischen Kultur verwurzelt shown in vielen Märchen. Viele haben erkannt, orientalischen Kulturen der erstaunlichen Gesundheit bewegen Vorteile mit bestimmten Pilzen verbunden und doch in der westlichen Zivilisation sind sie relativ unbekannt.
Die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft hat nicht erst untersuchen, die therapeutischen Eigenschaften des Reishi Pilz bis in die frühen 1970er Jahre. Es gab nicht genügend standardisierte Reishi der experimentellen Bewertung der Eigenschaften, bevor die Forscher an der Universität Kyoto Verhalten eingeleitet kontrolliertem Anbau des Reishi Pilz. Eine interessante Entdeckung ereignete sich, als die Forscher festgestellt, dass die sechs Farbvarianten von Reishi eine Art waren. Es wurde festgestellt, dass alle sechs Farben aus dem gleichen Gen angebaut werden könnten. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Reishi Pilz bio-aktiven, anti-Tumor-und Immunsystem stimulierende Fähigkeiten besitzen, einschließlich Anti-Allergie-, Anti-Krebs-und antivirale Wert. Als adaptogener Anbieters Reishi Pilz sind die Lösung ein breites Spektrum von Erkrankungen durch Einwirkung auf eine Reihe von Organsystemen können.
Nach der Analyse der bio-aktiven Komponenten des Reishi Pilz, schlossen die Wissenschaftler, dass es schwierig werden, um eine vollständige oder starke das Immunsystem stärken, ergänzen finden würde. In der Tat hat Reishi die Fähigkeit, die Wirksamkeit des Zytokin-Systems wiederherzustellen und eine deutliche Steigerung von NK-(Natural Killer)-Zell-Aktivität. Fallstudien haben es auf das Immunsystem günstig mit einer breiten Palette von Autoimmun-Erkrankungen in Verbindung mit Ernährung und Entgiftung Modifikationen eingesetzt bewältigen können. Reishi hat auch gezeigt, dass mit Chronic Fatigue Syndrom (CFS) von Vorteil sein, die Verbesserung der Durchblutung, Verringerung Serum-Cholesterin, sinkend Serumglukose (Anti-Diabetiker) und die Entlastung der Übelkeit der Krebs-Chemotherapie und Strahlentherapie. Wie bereits erwähnt, haben die Möglichkeit, Reishi natürlichen Killerzellen zu stimulieren, die Funktion des Immunsystems zu verbessern und auf virale Infektionen zu bekämpfen.
Nach Wasser und Weis, in einem Papier im Jahr 1999 veröffentlicht wurden, ist der Reishi Pilz dokumentiert werden, um viele medizinische Eigenschaften haben. Unter denen sind, entzündungshemmend, antitumorale, antivirale, antibakterielle, Regulierung des Blutdrucks, der Schutz der Leber, chronische Bronchitis etc.
Es ist offensichtlich, dass ein enormes Potenzial für Jede Person, die ihren Gesundheitszustand durch die Zugabe von Nahrungsergänzung mit Reishi zu heben gibt. Tausende von Untersuchungen über Reishi Pilze und viele Autoren haben ihre findings.The Zukunft bestätigt Webstühle hell für Fortschritte in der Gesundheit mit dem Verwendung von Reishi Ergänzung. Die vielfältigen positiven Auswirkungen der Reishi noch erforscht. Zum Beispiel, kürzlich in einem Aufsatz von Dr. H. Fujiwara, wurde der Schluss gezogen, dass Ausdauer für Laufstrecken und Ausdauer wurde durch die Verwendung von Ganoderma Extrakt Reishi Pilz erhöht werden kann dazu beitragen, halten das Immunsystem intakt und auf alle Arten von Menschen zu vermeiden Krankheiten und Erkrankungen.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mushroom Type : Agaric


The agaric Amanita muscaria, late August, Norway

An agaric is a type of fungal fruiting body characterized by the presence of a pileus (cap) that is clearly differentiated from the stipe (stalk), with lamellae (gills) on the underside of the pileus. "Agaric" can also refer to a basidiomycete species characterized by an agaric-type fruiting body. An archaic usage of the word agaric meant ‘tree-fungus': from Latin agaricum, however that meaning was superseded by the Linnaean interpretation in 1753 when Linnaeus used the generic name Agaricus for gilled mushrooms.
Most species of agarics are classified in the Agaricales, however, this type of fruiting body is thought to have evolved several times independently, hence the Russulales, Boletales, Hymenochaetales, and several other groups of basidiomycetes also contain agaric species. Older systems of classification place all agarics in the Agaricales, and some (mostly older) sources still use "agarics" as a common name for the Agaricales. Contemporary sources now tend to use the term euagarics when referring only to members of the Agaricales. "Agaric" is also sometimes used as a common name for members of the genus Agaricus, as well as for members of other genera, for example, Amanita muscaria is sometimes called "fly agaric".

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brewing Kombucha or Cendawan Mekah

Learn To Make Kombucha 
The first step in brewing kombucha is to obtain a scoby. When you get your scoby, make sure the person gives you at least a cup of kombucha as well.
Once you have your scoby, you'll want to keep it in the fridge in the kombucha it came in until you're ready to use it. Store it in glass if at all possible; plastic can leach into the kombucha, and metal is reactive with its acids.
To brew your kombucha you need:
* 3 1/2 quarts of filtered water--the chlorine in tap water can hurt your scoby! Filter the water through a Brita or other water filter, let it sit out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate (happy thought, no?) or use bottled water. Doesn't have to be distilled, just non-chlorinated.
* 1 cup regular old white sugar
* 5 regular old black tea bags--you can get as fancy as you like with the tea, but I use garden variety restaurant supply tea bags. Red Rose, Lipton, whatever. AVOID ARTIFICIALLY FLAVORED TEAS like Earl Grey or Constant Comment. If you want to experiment with flavor, try different kinds of tea like green or white, or substitute a bag of herbal or spice tea for one of the black tea bags. I like putting in a bag of Yogi Tea. Just make sure the bulk of the tea is camellia sinensis--the plain old tea plant--in some form.
* A large pot
* A gallon-sized glass jar
* A piece of cloth that will cover the top of the jar
* A rubber band or something similar that is big enough to go over the mouth of the jar
* Your scoby and at least 1/2 cup of leftover kombucha from your last batch

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Liver Detox

Cleanse With A Cup Of Kombucha Tea @ Miracle drinks @ Cendawan Mekah

For liver detox, you may want to try Kombucha tea. Although this tea has been used China since 250 BC, it has only gained popularity in recent times in the Western countries. Kombucha tea is now known to aid in digestion, despite being a strange combination of bacteria and yeast that resembles fungus.
Kombucha tea assists in liver detox because it enables the liver to release more bodily waste by supplementing the already present glucuronic acid with more of the same. This helps to enhance the ability of the liver to function efficiently and eliminate waste. Kombucha tea can also improve circulation; thereby, allowing for the rapid and efficient elimination of waste.
Kombucha is best grown in a colony. Kombucha is a source of many cultures, organic acids, active enzymes, amino acids, and anti-oxidants. It contains acetic acid, which gives it a distinctive taste and smell. There are 7 other mild acids as well as B-vitamins.
Usually, part of an original colony is retained in a jar or vessel and allowed to continue growth. New layers of culture grow above the original culture. Do ensure that the new culture is light colored and smooth. If it has an odd color or texture, then the culture is likely to be already contaminated. Do not use this culture as it may pose a health risk.
You should therefore check to ensure that there is no mold growing on the top of the mixture. The mixture is prepared with sugar and black or green tea. It takes between one and two weeks for the process to be completed. Pieces of the culture can be taken off to start new colonies. The tea is then prepared by fermentation with green or black tea and the culture of living organisms.
Because of its popularity for liver detox, there are now many types and variations of the tea sold by vendors. Hence, you will need to purchase it from a reliable source or use proper procedure if you plan to make it yourself. Best is to also use organic version of the tea.
Due to the lack of awareness in the use and preparation, some people have reported allergic reactions, stomach problems, and jaundice, even though they had hoped to use the tea for liver detox. For these cases, it is suspected that the fermentation process may have not been administered properly. You will also need to take note of the cookware and crockery used while preparing this tea. There have been reports that some people made the tea in a ceramic pot that allowed the lead from the ceramic glaze to contaminate the product. Hence, it pays to be extremely cautious.
Apart from being able to assist in liver detox, Kombucha tea is said to be effective in stimulating relaxation. This makes Kombucha tea a wonderful natural alternative to other relaxation aides that involve stimulants. Most definitely, try a cup of Kombucha tea today for all the health and wellness benefits it provides!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom is also know as Ganoderma Lucidum, it is one of the olders herbal mushrooms

used in todays medicine. It has been used for centuries in China as it has been thought to

aid patients with a large variety of medical conditions. As the mushroom was rare and expensive treatments were reserved for royalty. Through tecnological advancements growing

Reishi Mushrooms has now become a reality thus lowering the cost of this mushroom making it

available to the everyday person.

The Reishi mushroom is thought to improve

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kombucha Tea : Benefits of Kombucha Tea

Benefits of Kombucha Tea@Air cendawan Mekah@Air Mutmut

Eliminates wrinkles and helps the removal of brown spots on hands. It is a skin humectant. 

Prevents certain types of cancer. In Manchuria, where this mushroom came from, there has not been detected one single case of cancer. Every day people drink this tea as a religious atonement. 

During menopause, reduces hot-flash discomfort. Just after drinking the Manchurian Mushroom Tea, you may feel a warm sensation. due to the fact that the tea components join the blood stream causing a draining action of toxic chemical elements and fluids, reason for, which you will notice increased mobility in your extremities and flexibility around your waist. 

Helps constipation. 

Helps muscular aches and pains in shoulders and neck. 

Helps bronchitis, asthma, and cough. Will help children with phlegm. 

Helps with allergies, also with aching nerves. 

It has helped kidney problems. 

It is said to be useful in cataracts and other formations on the cornea. 

It cleanses the gall bladder, helps colitis and nervous stomachs. 

Helps heal diseases. It will lower cholosterol and soften veins and arteries. 

It will stop infectious diarrhea. 

Helps burning of fat, therefore, helps to lose weight. 

Helps insomnia. 

Helps the liver work more efficiently. 

Helps to level off glucose and sudden drops of blood sugar in diabetics if taken daily it will eliminate urea In 100 days. 

It has surprising effects on the scalp, helps avoid baldness, thickens hair and eliminates gray hair. 

Helps digestion. 

Decreased craving for alcohol

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kombucha Mushroom@Cendawan Mekah

A Wonderdrinks and good for health

So you are totally into an interesting conversation about a fabulous health drink called Kombucha and someone says "kombucha mushroom" and you think ewwww.... a mushroom? Better yet you are at a friends house who home brews kombucha and you spot the mushroom floating in a clear jar!

I have had both of these experiences, and am glad to say, I am totally okay with Kombucha sobies, cultures, mushrooms etc. They are all the same thing. A living organism that is an integral part of the Kombucha Tea brewing process. No kombucha culture, no kombucha.

The mushroom or culture, also known as a manchurian mushroom is a combination of yeasts, organisms and essential nutrients, hence you "brew" kombucha tea! The mushroom thrives and lives off of the black tea and sugar that is used to make kombucha.

This mix of really sweet black tea is transformed into yummy Kombucha tea, the sugar eaten away by the mushroom, and the mushroom will actually grow and multiply as a result of the whole process.

Now you have baby kombucha cultures and mushrooms to share with your friends! Brewing kombucha is a healthy, fun thing to do and many kombucha drinkers swear by this tasty beverage.

The finished kombucha tea tastes somewhat like sparkling apple cider and does contain a small percentage of alcohol. The alcohol content is usually less than 1% but can vary batch to batch.

Kombucha Mushroom, Manchurian Mushroom, Kombucha Culture and Kombucha Scoby are all the same thing. A living organism required to make delicious Kombucha Tea at home.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


The genus Trichaptum, an example of a polypore, a mushroom without a stalk, fruiting on a log

Trametes versicolor another type of polypore mushroom.
Typical mushrooms are the fruitbodies of members of the order Agaricales, whose type genus is Agaricus and type species is the field mushroom, Agaricus campestris. However, in modern molecularly defined classifications, not all members of the order Agaricales produce mushroom fruitbodies, and many other gilled fungi, collectively called mushrooms, occur in other orders in the class Agaricomycetes. For example, chanterelles are in the Cantharellales, false chanterelles like Gomphus are in the Gomphales, milk mushrooms (Lactarius) and russulas (Russula) as well as Lentinellus are in the Russulales, while the tough leathery genera Lentinus and Panus are among the Polyporales, but Neolentinus is in the Gloeophyllales, and the little pin-mushroom genus, Rickenella, along with similar genera, are in the Hymenochaetales.
Within the main body of mushrooms, in the Agaricales, are common fungi like the common fairy-ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades), shiitake, enoki, oyster mushrooms, fly agarics, and other amanitas, magic mushrooms like species of Psilocybe, paddy straw mushrooms, shaggy manes, etc.
An atypical mushroom is the Lobster mushroom, which is a deformed, cooked-lobster-colored parasitized fruitbody of a Russula or Lactarius colored and deformed by the mycoparasitic Ascomycete Hypomyces lactifluorum.[1]
Other mushrooms are non-gilled, and then the term "mushroom" is loosely used, so that it is difficult to give a full account of their classifications. Some have pores underneath (and are usually called boletes), others have spines, such as the hedgehog mushroom and other tooth fungi, and so on. "Mushroom" has been used for polypores, puffballs, jelly fungi, coral fungi, bracket fungi, stinkhorns, and cup fungi. Thus, the term mushroom is more one of common application to macroscopic fungal fruiting bodies than one having precise taxonomic meaning. There are approximately 14,000 described species of mushrooms.[2]

Mushroom Identification

Identification of Mushroomroom

Morphological characteristics of the caps of mushrooms.
Identifying mushrooms requires a basic understanding of their macroscopic structure. Most are Basidiomycetes and gilled. Their spores, called basidiospores, are produced on the gills and fall in a fine rain of powder from under the caps as a result. At the microscopic level the basidiospores are shot off of basidia and then fall between the gills in the dead air space. As a result, for most mushrooms, if the cap is cut off and placed gill-side-down overnight, a powdery impression reflecting the shape of the gills (or pores, or spines, etc.) is formed (when the fruitbody is sporulating). The color of the powdery print, called a spore print, is used to help classify mushrooms and can help to identify them. Spore print colors include white (most common), brown, black, purple-brown, pink, yellow, and cream, but almost never blue, green, or red.
While modern identification of mushrooms is quickly becoming molecular, the standard methods for identification are still used by most and have developed into a fine art harking back to medieval times and the Victorian era, combined with microscopic examination. The presence of juices upon breaking, bruising reactions, odors, tastes, shades of color, habitat, habit, and season are all considered by both amateur and professional mycologists. Tasting and smelling mushrooms carries its own hazards because of poisons and allergens. Chemical tests are also used for some genera.
In general, identification to genus can often be accomplished in the field using a local mushroom guide. Identification to species, however, requires more effort; one must remember that a mushroom develops from a button stage into a mature structure, and only the latter can provide certain characteristics needed for the identification of the species. However, over-mature specimens lose features and cease producing spores. Many novices have mistaken humid water marks on paper for white spore prints, or discolored paper from oozing liquids on lamella edges for colored spored prints.

Facts about mushroom

 Thought of Mushroom

A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, hence the word mushroom is most often applied to those fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem (stipe), a cap (pileus), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella) on the underside of the cap, just as do store-bought white mushrooms.
The word "mushroom" can also be used for a wide variety of gilled fungi, with or without stems, and the term is used even more generally, to describe both the fleshy fruiting bodies of some Ascomycota and the woody or leathery fruiting bodies of some Basidiomycota, depending upon the context of the word.
Forms deviating from the standard morphology usually have more specific names, such as "puffball", "stinkhorn", and "morel", and gilled mushrooms themselves are often called "agarics" in reference to their similarity to Agaricus or their placement in the order Agaricales. By extension, the term "mushroom" can also designate the entire fungus when in culture or the thallus (called a mycelium) of species forming the fruiting bodies called mushrooms, or the species itself.

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