Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kombucha Tea : Benefits of Kombucha Tea

Benefits of Kombucha Tea@Air cendawan Mekah@Air Mutmut

Eliminates wrinkles and helps the removal of brown spots on hands. It is a skin humectant. 

Prevents certain types of cancer. In Manchuria, where this mushroom came from, there has not been detected one single case of cancer. Every day people drink this tea as a religious atonement. 

During menopause, reduces hot-flash discomfort. Just after drinking the Manchurian Mushroom Tea, you may feel a warm sensation. due to the fact that the tea components join the blood stream causing a draining action of toxic chemical elements and fluids, reason for, which you will notice increased mobility in your extremities and flexibility around your waist. 

Helps constipation. 

Helps muscular aches and pains in shoulders and neck. 

Helps bronchitis, asthma, and cough. Will help children with phlegm. 

Helps with allergies, also with aching nerves. 

It has helped kidney problems. 

It is said to be useful in cataracts and other formations on the cornea. 

It cleanses the gall bladder, helps colitis and nervous stomachs. 

Helps heal diseases. It will lower cholosterol and soften veins and arteries. 

It will stop infectious diarrhea. 

Helps burning of fat, therefore, helps to lose weight. 

Helps insomnia. 

Helps the liver work more efficiently. 

Helps to level off glucose and sudden drops of blood sugar in diabetics if taken daily it will eliminate urea In 100 days. 

It has surprising effects on the scalp, helps avoid baldness, thickens hair and eliminates gray hair. 

Helps digestion. 

Decreased craving for alcohol

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kombucha Mushroom@Cendawan Mekah

A Wonderdrinks and good for health

So you are totally into an interesting conversation about a fabulous health drink called Kombucha and someone says "kombucha mushroom" and you think ewwww.... a mushroom? Better yet you are at a friends house who home brews kombucha and you spot the mushroom floating in a clear jar!

I have had both of these experiences, and am glad to say, I am totally okay with Kombucha sobies, cultures, mushrooms etc. They are all the same thing. A living organism that is an integral part of the Kombucha Tea brewing process. No kombucha culture, no kombucha.

The mushroom or culture, also known as a manchurian mushroom is a combination of yeasts, organisms and essential nutrients, hence you "brew" kombucha tea! The mushroom thrives and lives off of the black tea and sugar that is used to make kombucha.

This mix of really sweet black tea is transformed into yummy Kombucha tea, the sugar eaten away by the mushroom, and the mushroom will actually grow and multiply as a result of the whole process.

Now you have baby kombucha cultures and mushrooms to share with your friends! Brewing kombucha is a healthy, fun thing to do and many kombucha drinkers swear by this tasty beverage.

The finished kombucha tea tastes somewhat like sparkling apple cider and does contain a small percentage of alcohol. The alcohol content is usually less than 1% but can vary batch to batch.

Kombucha Mushroom, Manchurian Mushroom, Kombucha Culture and Kombucha Scoby are all the same thing. A living organism required to make delicious Kombucha Tea at home.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


The genus Trichaptum, an example of a polypore, a mushroom without a stalk, fruiting on a log

Trametes versicolor another type of polypore mushroom.
Typical mushrooms are the fruitbodies of members of the order Agaricales, whose type genus is Agaricus and type species is the field mushroom, Agaricus campestris. However, in modern molecularly defined classifications, not all members of the order Agaricales produce mushroom fruitbodies, and many other gilled fungi, collectively called mushrooms, occur in other orders in the class Agaricomycetes. For example, chanterelles are in the Cantharellales, false chanterelles like Gomphus are in the Gomphales, milk mushrooms (Lactarius) and russulas (Russula) as well as Lentinellus are in the Russulales, while the tough leathery genera Lentinus and Panus are among the Polyporales, but Neolentinus is in the Gloeophyllales, and the little pin-mushroom genus, Rickenella, along with similar genera, are in the Hymenochaetales.
Within the main body of mushrooms, in the Agaricales, are common fungi like the common fairy-ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades), shiitake, enoki, oyster mushrooms, fly agarics, and other amanitas, magic mushrooms like species of Psilocybe, paddy straw mushrooms, shaggy manes, etc.
An atypical mushroom is the Lobster mushroom, which is a deformed, cooked-lobster-colored parasitized fruitbody of a Russula or Lactarius colored and deformed by the mycoparasitic Ascomycete Hypomyces lactifluorum.[1]
Other mushrooms are non-gilled, and then the term "mushroom" is loosely used, so that it is difficult to give a full account of their classifications. Some have pores underneath (and are usually called boletes), others have spines, such as the hedgehog mushroom and other tooth fungi, and so on. "Mushroom" has been used for polypores, puffballs, jelly fungi, coral fungi, bracket fungi, stinkhorns, and cup fungi. Thus, the term mushroom is more one of common application to macroscopic fungal fruiting bodies than one having precise taxonomic meaning. There are approximately 14,000 described species of mushrooms.[2]

Mushroom Identification

Identification of Mushroomroom

Morphological characteristics of the caps of mushrooms.
Identifying mushrooms requires a basic understanding of their macroscopic structure. Most are Basidiomycetes and gilled. Their spores, called basidiospores, are produced on the gills and fall in a fine rain of powder from under the caps as a result. At the microscopic level the basidiospores are shot off of basidia and then fall between the gills in the dead air space. As a result, for most mushrooms, if the cap is cut off and placed gill-side-down overnight, a powdery impression reflecting the shape of the gills (or pores, or spines, etc.) is formed (when the fruitbody is sporulating). The color of the powdery print, called a spore print, is used to help classify mushrooms and can help to identify them. Spore print colors include white (most common), brown, black, purple-brown, pink, yellow, and cream, but almost never blue, green, or red.
While modern identification of mushrooms is quickly becoming molecular, the standard methods for identification are still used by most and have developed into a fine art harking back to medieval times and the Victorian era, combined with microscopic examination. The presence of juices upon breaking, bruising reactions, odors, tastes, shades of color, habitat, habit, and season are all considered by both amateur and professional mycologists. Tasting and smelling mushrooms carries its own hazards because of poisons and allergens. Chemical tests are also used for some genera.
In general, identification to genus can often be accomplished in the field using a local mushroom guide. Identification to species, however, requires more effort; one must remember that a mushroom develops from a button stage into a mature structure, and only the latter can provide certain characteristics needed for the identification of the species. However, over-mature specimens lose features and cease producing spores. Many novices have mistaken humid water marks on paper for white spore prints, or discolored paper from oozing liquids on lamella edges for colored spored prints.

Facts about mushroom

 Thought of Mushroom

A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, hence the word mushroom is most often applied to those fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem (stipe), a cap (pileus), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella) on the underside of the cap, just as do store-bought white mushrooms.
The word "mushroom" can also be used for a wide variety of gilled fungi, with or without stems, and the term is used even more generally, to describe both the fleshy fruiting bodies of some Ascomycota and the woody or leathery fruiting bodies of some Basidiomycota, depending upon the context of the word.
Forms deviating from the standard morphology usually have more specific names, such as "puffball", "stinkhorn", and "morel", and gilled mushrooms themselves are often called "agarics" in reference to their similarity to Agaricus or their placement in the order Agaricales. By extension, the term "mushroom" can also designate the entire fungus when in culture or the thallus (called a mycelium) of species forming the fruiting bodies called mushrooms, or the species itself.

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